You can’t mess around in the wrestling ring with Orsi and every guy that ever stepped into the ring with her knows that. Miki, on the other hand, didn’t hear about Orsi’s skills in the ring and he made the same mistake like other guys. He thought that she’s a girl and that there is no way that she’s going to win. Boy, was he wrong. From the very beginning, it was obvious even to him that he made a grave mistake that is going to make him look really stupid. Orsi got her arms around his neck and that was pretty much the end of it. The only thing she had to do is wait until he gets too tired to move. You can see that she’s having a great time practicing her moves, but you can’t say the same for Miki. He is struggling to do anything but get his ass kicked. In the end he had to give in and surrender.
Video length: 16:01 min.
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