The mistress seems to be jealous of her slave’s perfect big tits, even though her tits are nice and big as well, so she ties them up and expresses her anger on them. First, she blinfolds the poor girl so that she can’t know what’s coming next. Then she pretends to touch her gently, making her relaxed, just to trick her so that the tools she uses next hurt even more. She calls her slave a selfish slut and all kinds of names as she scratches her tits with big blades, but it doesn’t stop there. Just when the slave takes a breather, it is time for some electrocution. An orb with an electrical pulse is introduced and her nipples get a shocking experience like never before. The worst thing is that she can’t talk back and needs to stay still. Somehow she survives it, thanking the mistress for all she’s done.
Video length: 5:43 min.
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