I’ll start you easy with an arm wrestling warm up, enough for you to stare at my ass and burry that thought deep in your mind. From there it’s just a play, I’ll have you eating the wrestling mattress every time you reach your hands towards me. I know, I am the new girl and you thought you can take me, but isn’t nice when you get proved wrong and you taste the bitter flavor of defeat? What were you thinking, that if I’m skinny and hot you can tense your muscles a bit and I’ll run screaming like a little bitch? No, that is for you to do, as long as you can get away from my grip and catch your breath. Admit it, you love the smell of my sweat all over your face and you kinda enjoy having my ass on your face. Oh, you’re actually trying to defeat me? That’s so funny…
Video length: 15:30 min.
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