Every slave has to start out somewhere. Even you weren’t totally submissive the first day. This slave is pretty lucky. He got to start out his career as a slave by sniffing the feet of two beautiful ladies. He doesn’t have to choose a blonde or a brunette. Both of them have extremely sexy legs and they aren’t shy about making him sniff their feet. This slave has a long ways to go, but he’s showing a lot of promise. Most guys aren’t as lucky as to be able to sniff the feet of two cuties like these. You were probably trained by a leather whip using chain smoker that barked out orders like a military commander. The slaves today are quite soft, especially in the early stages of their learning. He seems kind of wet behind the ears and clearly they’re taking it easy on him. Before long he’ll be beaten and burned by cigarettes like the best of them.
Video length: 4:00 min.
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