I can’t believe you’re still in your mother’s fucking basement! Why haven’t you got a life yet? Seriously! I know she’s caught you jacking off a million times. Now, just fucking go get a job and move the fuck out, really! You’re so fucking pathetic! And you know what’s even more pathetic? When I talk to you, you just start getting arroused and your little tiny cock starts getting hard and then you start jerking it… And you know what’s the funniest thin about it? Is you look like such a fucking retard when you do it! It’s like, you went from being normal to totally handicapped! I couldn’t even… If I saw you, I would just scream and run away. I’m surprised your mom hasn’t moved out herself because of it. Ha ha! She’s caught you what, how many times now? Like fifty, hundred, hundred and fifty? Five times a day I know that at least so it’s gotta be way more than that. You just sit there, you’re jerking it… Oh yeah, oh I love stroking my cock! Oh, I better not get it on the computer because then I won’t be able to watch Chloe. Oh, yeah, oh I love jerking my little tiny cock! Oh, I’m such a fucking retard! Yeah you are! That’s why you still live in your momma’s basement, you pathetic loser! I’m surprised she hasn’t kicked your ass out yet! I know they call it unconditional love, but seriously! I don’t anyone that lives in their mom’s basement for fifty years! Seriously! Well, it seems like that long because you don’t go anywhere. All you do is sit and jerk it at your computer! Yeah, jerking it! Oh yeah! Oh, my hard cock for Chloe, I just love stroking it! Oh, yes! I love to cum to Chloe! Oh, I’m gonna cum! Oh, I’m gonna cum! Oh, shit! my mom’s here! Yeah, I know! You’re mom’s always there because you live with her, you pathetic fucking retard! If you really wanted some privacy then go get your own apartment, I mean, come on, it’s not that expensive! Grow the fuck up, OK?! So sad! You’re like a little ten-year-old boy that runs to the bathroom and gets a hard on and tries to stroke it to magazines and bra ads. That’s how fucking pathetic you are! I’m not even naked right now. I have just a little bit of cleavage and you sitting there jerking your cock. Oh, oh she’s so hot! Oh, I gotta cum! Oh, I gotta cum! Oh, I’m gonna cum for Chloe! Oh, I’m gonna cum for Chloe! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! You’re so sad! Really? Like what do you do? I hope you have a bathroom down in your basement because it would be pretty fucking retarded if you had to run all the way upstairs and go through your momma’s kitchen to clean up all your nasty cum! That’s probably what you have to do! I can just see it now, you running through the kitchen and your mom going: ” Oh, did you cum all over yourself again? God, when are you gonna move the fuck out?” That’s right? Yeah, I know it! So, but, you’re so fucking pathetic that you like living at your mom’s house, you probably love it! It just disgusts me, I can’t even think about it anymore but, there you are still jerking your cock! Oh, are you gonna cum now? Are you gonna cum for me? Oh, yeah! Stroking that little pathetic cock of yours! Oh, yeah, cum! You better cum before your momma calls you for dinner! Oh, oh, oh! Oh, Chloe I’m cumming! Oh, oh! Well, I think you better run upstairs so you can clean that off!
Video length: 04:55 min.
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