Hey, momma’s boy! So I hear you’re still living in your momma’s basement because you’re not a real man anymore, I guess! Do you know what I think about who live in their momma’s basement? They’re just ashamed. Just ashamed to be even alive. I mean, after the age of like 15,16,17… You become independent and obviously, you haven’t. And no girl’s ever gonna get with you because once you say:” Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, I live in my momma’s basement.” They’re gonna be like: “See you later, loser!” Yeah. You’re so pathetic thinking that girls are actually gonna wanna get with you! You’re thinking very wrong buddy! Very, very wrong! So, you know you can’t get any girls, so you have to stay at home… Look at your computer. Jack off on hot things like me even though you’re never gonna get one as sexy as Chloe James. Even though you want me so bad! You’re thinking: “Oh, my God, she’s so hot! I just wish I could undress her and feel those boobs! Oh, my God! Look at Chloe’s ass! It’s out of this world!” You’ll never get it! Ever, ever, ever! You loser! Why don’t you just go ask your mommy for help? But, I’m sure you’re very embarrassed of how much you jack off at home because you’re such a loser and you can’t get any real pussy! Oh, oh my God! Chloe James, she’s just so hot! Oh, my dick’s so hard for her! Oh, yes! Oh, I wish I could bring her back to momma’s basement! Oh, God! We would have so much fun! Oh, oh, yeah… Oh, shit, oh! Mom, hold on! I’m busy down here, Jeez! Didn’t I tell you to knock! Yeah, I know that’s you every day, probably like four times a day because you’re such a loser! Fuck you!
Video length: 3:08 min.
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