It’s time for her slave to listen. Even if that means getting a face full of ass in the process. It’s rare to see a mistress that’s as sexy as this one. It’s the very reason why a lot of you are going to watch this video twice. The slave is totally mesmerized by her beauty and forcefulness. There isn’t a single second of this video that she’s not in total control of everything. That’s the most surprising aspect of it all. She’s totally in control and the video is action packed. It’s filled with her barking orders at him from the very beginning. It’s an oddity to see a beautiful woman like her being so caught up in everything. It goes to show that she’s done this more than once. This mistress has probably been married a few times. Only a married woman can be as good at barking orders as she is.
Video length: 22:52 min.
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