This guy thinks he’s so tough, but soon finds himself confronted by a hulking female body builder who makes him look puny. She orders him around, talking down to him and slapping his face, immediately making him realize his true place. As if he hadn’t had enough, she piles on with additional humiliation. She makes him wash his mouth out with soap as punishment for talking back, and covers his body in chocolate syrup and other goodies from the fridge just to make a hilarious mess out of him. He gets smacked with a riding crop and a wooden spoon, but even the physical punishment pales in comparison to the constant verbal abuse. This larger woman screams in his face, insulting him and chastising him for whatever he does, even when it’s exactly what she asks him to do. It’s clear he’s found himself in a no-win situation with this female bodybuilder, and with no solution other than to sheepishly submit and become her personal bitch.
Video length: 29:43 min.
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