Kempo Girl is back and she is more terminated than before! She’d been worked out and practiced a lot lately, the improvements are definite, her punches and kicks are overwhelming! She is a though sex fighter and though on her male opponent, but she is even though on herself and pushes to the limits. Once she’s bitten up him she makes him underneath her naked body to lick her pussy just the way she likes it, rough and though. .
Video length: 15:10 min, and it comes with a downloadable image set of 73 photos.
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budogirl says
Kempo Girl is the best. Because she has realistic, elegant technics, is seducing and slim. I love her kicks, her open palm attacks her speed and fight experience. Also she attacks the sensitive parts of the body. Please make more videos in this style. Only squeezing without martial arts technics are boring. This stupid fighting is more for the ultimate surrender company.