Sometimes you’ve got to put men in their place when you’re a woman. This pretty Asian hottie likes it when her loser boyfriend is on the ground, under her feet because that makes her feel empowered. She does that only when he’s not been behaving the way he should have and that really makes her mad. She likes to punish him by stomping and kicking him, but she also rubs his dick through his pants with her leg. That is only because she wants him to think how he’s gonna get lucky. Then she takes his pants off and makes him lick her dirty feet totally clean. Only when he’s done with that and when she’s happy with the quality of his cleaning, she feels sorry for him so, she sits on top of his stomach and gives him a handjob. He gets to cum even though he’s a total loser and a bad boy.
Video length: 13:31 min.
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