You know, I think you either wanna see me with my legs wrapped around you, wither you want to end up between my legs. Ok, I will hug you as if I like you, maybe that will give your confidence a boost and you’ll start acting like a real warrior, giving me a challenge. So far I let you put me down, grunt on me, fill me with your stinky sweat but still for nothing, I can feel how weak you are and how easy I can throw you around. What’s the problem, did the girl beat your sorry ass? That’s why you can’t even get up properly? Oh, poor boy, I think you need a reminder that above all, I am the champion in this room and you are nothing more than a sack of fat breathing air for nothing. Speaking of which…you take too much of my air, time to put a stop on that.
Video length: 20:58 min.
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Alphacause says
What is the full name of this actress? She is gorgeous
Dominica Richie says