-This foot fetish video is absolutely amazing, featuring a very sexy brunette who teases the guy with her hot, nude body. As if that weren’t enough, she also gives him one hell of a footjob, using both of her sexy feet to stroke his hard cock, making him struggle to keep from cumming before he’s allowed to. Not only does she stroke his dick, but also rubs his balls with her feet and toes. He fights the need to orgasm, awaiting permission from his sexy mistress, but she seems content to tease him longer, stroking his poor cock with hands and feet, causing him to tense and twitch at her foot fetish efforts. You’ll definitely want to check out the full version of this foot fetish video to see whether or not she lets him shoot his load in response to her skilled, sexy feet rubbing over his hard cock and aching balls.
Video length: 11:03 min.
Click Here to watch full video after registration!Download video – 1080p HD for PC or TV sets – Recommended download, best quality!
Download video – 270p format, for Mobile devices. – Choose this with slower internet connection too.
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