When it comes to female wrestling, this is the best possible type of it. In the red, corner we have Brandy Smile and in the blue corner, the amazing Nikky Thorne. These two blondes listen to the referee and don’t even shake hands before the match. The first round starts and Brandy takes control. She grabs Nikky around the neck and that works until she fights back with pulling her hair. The round ends with unfair fighting, but the next one gets even worse. They keep pulling each other by the hair and screaming in pain. Nikky gets Brandy in an impossible position and wins the round while Brandy stays on the ground. Then the tables turn and Nikky is the one in lots of pain. She barely stands up and Brandy drops her to the ground pulling her legs and making it hurt. In the last round, they go all out and both of them fall unconscious at the same time. It’s a draw!
Video length: 17:55 min.
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