I’m so pisssed off today that I will do unimaginable things to you my Slaves. I’m gonna start by spanking you ass with my whip slaveboy, because you can take it and I can release some anger on you as I please. There’s nothing more satisfying at this point than seeing you twitch with each hit you take. For you my slavegirl I have something really special in mind. I won’t leave you without your hair… yet. But, I want you to take this gag in your mouth like a horse. Look how pretty you are… Still, it’s not enough pain, so lay down with your shit off. I have a whole candle which I must spill on your skin, on your tits and ass. Don’t worry, I’m going to get it down with my whip. Same goes for you slaveboy, your cock is in for even a bigger candle and a much more painful whipping.
Video length: 33:22 min.
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