Equus africanus asinus -or ass. It means donkey. That is what you are you filth: a domesticated animal used for transport or carriage, nothing more. Donkeys have been a working animal for thousands of years, and there are more than 40 million around the entire world. So don’t even think for a second that you’re anything special: if your mistress gets bored with you, she will replace you with a fitter, younger male donkey that fulfill her wishes whatever she wants. Now, giddy up, you’re going on a walk in the woods! Master wants to go on a ride in the greens, so there’s no rest for you this afternoon! Round and round you go ’til she says it’s enough. Don’t make her hit you with the stick, you lowly work animal! You should still be grateful because you do not have to carry someone like the famous Sancho Panza.
Video length: 5:17 min.
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