Innocent guy gets talked into putting on the latex suit before he starts dominating two naughty girls. He has to kneel on the floor while two blonde girls pull his hair. The first thing he had to do was lick their feet and he had to pretend that he liked what he was doing. The innocent guy did a pretty good job because two girls were quite pleased with his skills. After he was done with licking their feet, two girls slowly started rubbing his nipples and cock over the latex suit. However, that didn’t last long because they forced him to bend over the bench so they can punish him. Two girls started taking turns at spanking his butt while they occasionally rub his balls. Hitting his ass with their hands wasn’t enough to please two girls so they started hitting him with a small toy. He couldn’t do anything about it so he just moaned. Later, he started licking one girl’s ass while the other girl was still hitting him with a toy. After two girls got tired of hitting him hard with a toy, they forced him to take off the pants so they could hit him on bare skin. Afterward, one of the girls took a long whip and started hitting guy’s balls slowly while he moaned loudly.
Video length: 28:12 min.
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