It’s an oddity in itself. This Japanese girl steals a guy’s glasses. Then she puts him through all kinds of pain. What can the guy do? After all, he can’t see a thing. That’s when the girl gets even more wicked. Putting him through the kind of pain that most people can’t even imagine. It’s a wonder his arm didn’t pop clean out of the socket. It doesn’t end anywhere near there. Just when the video seems like it simply can’t get any more intense. She then beats this guy off. Masturbating his cock until he simply can’t take it any more. He busts his nut all over her hand. It’s then that she rubs smears his very own cum right in this guy’s face. It’s something that you have to see to fully understand. It’s a good thing this guy wasn’t wearing his glasses. As no doubt he would have been pretty upset to know how much cum was on his face.
Video length: 9:41 min.
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