Guess who I ran in two the other day? Oh, yes. Your ex girlfriend. Oh it is so funny! We have a lot to talk about. Well, a little to talk about. You know what I mean when I say little? She told me just how small you really are. I mean, I know you totally get off on these humiliation clip because you have a small penis, but oh my gosh, I didn’t think that it was that bad! I thought it was at least usable! I mean, she actually told me how she held in for so long because she felt sorry for you, and she knew that she was probably going to be the last girl that you ever got with just because your dick was so tiny! I mean, the top of the thumb is just, that’s nothing. I mean, no. I wouldn’t even call that a penis. It’s more like a nubby or, you pretty much have a clit! Seriously! Um, I think that’s why she went lesbian. You do know that right? That your dick is so small that you turned you ex girlfriend lesbian because now that she was so used to being with such a small, dick for that time, that she can’t take regular dick now. That she would rather have a girl because a girl’s clit is the same size as your little dick. But, you know, I showed her some ways and I’m going to help her out get back in to getting some good cock. So yeah, we’re friends now and I just love getting together with her and making fun of how small, she has pictures! She showed me! Yeah, you thought you were like “the man” when you guys made that sex tape. But, that was pathetic! Seriously, I think I could probably make a lot of money off of that funny thing because it’s not even a turn on, it’s hilarious! I mean, if it wasn’t so raunchy and like little and whatever, if there wasn’t so much nudity, I’d put it on youtube right now. And I bet I’d have like five million hits in like the first ten minutes. It’s that funny and that pathetic! You’d be like, the all star loser. The all star small dick loser that has no life. Everyone would know you but, I don’t think you’d probably want to live after that. Because you’d just be made fun of by not only me, and your ex girlfriend, but everyone in this world! So fucking pathetic! You know what you really should do? You just need to go get a sex change. Your ex girlfriend agrees with me. I mean, there are penis extension, like, operations, but I think it only gives you an extra two inches, and since you’re only like a centimeter big, two inches is still not an excuse of a cock. Um, no. So you might as well get a sex change and go be a girl. I think you’re meant to be one because you don’t have a dick, you don’t really like to fuck pussy because you don’t have a dick, and well, you’re just a little bitch so, that’s what you need to do. Both me, and your ex girlfriend agree. Stop acting like a man and just go be true to yourself and get a sex change. Bye loser!
Video length: 4:05 min.
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