You know what? People like you utterly fucking disgust me! I mean, not only are you fat and ugly, but you’re totally unhealthy too! I mean, seriously! You’ve got way too many problems! The biggest problem of all is your obesity! I mean, seriously! 250 fucking pounds, you fat fucking lard! Oh, so disgusting! But, you know what’s even worse? It’s that you like being fat. You actually wanna get fatter, don’t you? You just love food so much! Mown down on some cheeseburgers and some pizza and hot wings… Oh, seriously… How much food do you eat in a day? How many calories do you eat? Probably even more than I eat in a whole fucking year! Oh, so disgusting! And let’s talk about your… man boobs! Yes… They make me wanna throw up in my mouth, honestly! I mean, seriously, any guy that has tits, should be a transvestite, not a man! Women have boobs, not men! But you… You take pride in your boobs, don’t you, like: “Oh, yes, my manboobs they turn me on and I like to rub my nipples along with my fat belly!” Is that what you like to do? You probably do, you’re probably eating like, I don’t know… Fettuccine alfredo with some garlic butter, bread and bunch of other shit while you’re rubbing your nipples because eating turns you on. Sex? Sex is not existent to you! You don’t get any because no one likes fat disgusting lards like you! So, what you get pleasure in is, you like to eat food. And that’s why you’re so fat and that’s why you’re gonna get even more and more fat as time goes on! I mean, eventually, I think, if we lived forever, just imagine this, if we lived forever and you just kept getting fatter and fatter and fatter… Eventually, you’d be bigger than the Sun! Oh, God, that’s so disgusting! I don’t think anyone wouldn’t want to live because who would wanna stare at your ugly fat ass all day every day? No one, especially not me, nope! I’d have offed myself, honest. If I had to look at you, I’d just be like… Take me now, please! You know… You would think that after all these rules are popping up like, you have to buy two plane tickets in order to go anywhere because you’re over 200 pounds, that you would try to slim down, or maybe just hold on to your huge 250 pound weight, but no… You don’t care, you’re like:” I’ll buy three tickets if I have to! I love being fat!” Don’t you love all your fat rolls? Do you make love with your fat rolls pushing together and you make… And you take out your little wiener and you try to imagine your hand is fat. Fucking little dick with your fat and you’re like:” Oh, it’s so good I love fucking fat!” Oh, God, you’re just utterly disgusting! Seriously! I don’t even know if I wanna continue doing this clip because I think I might have to throw up just imagining how fat and disgusting you are. And the fact that you like being fat is even more disgusting. Seriously, I wonder if any woman are actually gonna like you because there are fat women out there. Do you like fat women? You probably do,, huh? You probably look for the biggest women out there! You’re like, no, you don’t really like me… even though I’m so fucking sexy and I have one of the best bodies that you’ve probably ever seen… It doesn’t turn you on right? Because I’m not fat enough? Oh, boo-fucking-hoo! No… I’m not fat enough so that doesn’t make me sexy… Do you like… You probably go out looking for those 700 pounders! Like, yeah, the more rolls the better! It’s like, a hope of fave rolls, isn’t it? You can just like, eat her rolls and then you can get all butter rolls and you guys can just eat rolls together! Wouldn’t that be fun? Oh, my God! Ew! Oh, that’s so disgusting! You know what? I’m really feeling nauseous now. I think I’m gonna throw up!
Video length: 5:26 min.
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