I am sure you have probably worked it out by now. The clue is right there in the name. It is a bit more than this but, basically, the woman sits on your face, sometimes wearing underwear and sometimes naked, in an act of dominance. You may sometimes see Facesitting referred to as queening or kinging.
Facesitting can vary drastically. In some cases, it will be oral to anal and in other cases it may be oral to genital, but more on that in a s short while.
Facesitting is like the smothering fetish, which often involves breasts, only in this case the person being dominated still has access to air.
The History of Facesitting
I can’t exactly pinpoint when Facesitting started. I doubt that there are many people out there who can. This is because it is such a ‘general’ fetish that no records were really kept. We do have images of Facesitting taking place which go back a good couple of hundred years, but I reckon that this practice is at least one thousand years old, probably a lot more than that. After all, domination has been a thing since Ancient Mesopotamia.
Facesitting porn is something which has been in the news a lot over the past couple of years. This is because the United Kingdom attempted to ban Facesitting porn for some obscure reason. Apparently, it was degrading to women…. even though they are the ones that were dominating! Don’t worry if you are in the United Kingdom, you can still watch a good bit of Facesitting porn, you just can’t film it (baffling, I know. Hopefully, this is a law which is going to get overturned soon!)

Why the Facesitting Kink?
Because some people absolutely love domination.
Now, Facesitting is the type of thing that is best done in real life as opposed to viewing on a webcam. This is because it can be quite hard to get your jollies just watching somebody sit. This is why when Facesitting porn is shown on the camera, it tends to be a bit more extreme (more on that in a short while)
The Facesitting kink, just like almost every one of the kinks that we cover on this website is about the power play. Somebody sitting on your face, holding you in place, forcing you to pleasure them with your mouth, among other things. Some people really do love being able to see a woman in control like this.
Most of the things that you see on the screen when it comes to Facesitting will involve a lot more than Facesitting in many cases. In most cases, it will be mixed with other forms of domination. The Facesitting will form a part of it. The only exception to this is if you are viewing photographs.
When Facesitting is carried out ‘in real life’, particularly in brothels and the like, then there may be special tools brought in which really enhances the experience. For example; the use of a queening stool or a smother box.
You will likely find smother boxes used in a lot of online porn at the moment. This is because it is something a bit different and, therefore, it is going to be a whole lot more exciting to watch. In fact, it is probably due to its prevalence in porn that smother boxes have had their sales shoot up in sex shops. Not too long ago, you would be hard-pressed to find any store which offered a smother box. Nowadays, you can find them in just about every single sex shop worth its salt which is not too bad.
Why do people love domination? Well, that is going to be dependent on who you ask. The reason why I love domination such as Facesitting is because it is somewhat of a power play. It reverses the roles. In your day to day life, I am willing to bet that it is the men that you are around which take a leading role in everything. This could include when you are in bed, or just in your normal life. This is great and all, but it is a bit much of the ‘same’. Some men don’t like that dominating role. They pretend they do, but what they would love a lot more than that is for a good woman to dominate them. This is why men love Facesitting so much. The roles have been reversed and it is just thrilling. If you have never tried being submissive before, then I really do urge you to try it. I have no doubt that you will find a plethora of different kinks on this site related to domination.
Facesitting is often going to be one of the first kinks that a person experiments with. This is because, in the grand scheme of things, it is not actually that different to what you have done in the past. I am positive that if you have had sex, then you will have tried to perform oral at least once. You know what that is all about. Facesitting is just an extension of this. Many people say that Facesitting is just the gateway to other kinks around. It certainly was for me when I started to get involved in domination. I tried out a bit of this and I was absolutely hooked on the whole thing.
If you are a submissive, or you think you may be a submissive, then watching Facesitting is going to be one of the best things you can do. It is a mild kink in comparison to some of the other stuff that you find ‘online’. It helps to work you in a bit slowly.
Not just for men!
Now, obviously in most cases, Facesitting videos are going top be watched by men. This is because there are a lot of men out there who really want to be submissive to women. It is how they get their kicks. However. There are some women who are the dominating type and they want to see men being forced to tease the genitals or the anus of another woman. If you are one of these people, then you can watch a couple of Facesitting videos too. In fact, if you are up for it, then you will likely find a plethora of different videos which also cover lesbian Facesitting and the like. This seems to be an incredibly popular type of porn for women at the moment.
Most of the fem dom porn that you find out there will also cater for women. You will probably find it easy to get hold of a partner if you want to try it out ‘in real life’ too. After all, I doubt that there are many men out there who would not be excited with the idea of getting ‘up close and personal’ with a pussy, particularly if you throw other elements of fem dom into the mix!
More Extreme Than You May Think
When most people think of Facesitting, they think of it as a rather basic kink. A person has their vagina or anus up close and personal with a face. I mean, everybody has performed oral sex before, so it is not too crazy, right? Well, of course not. The basic Facesitting porn is not crazy in the slightest. You will probably find an element of Facesitting in most porn online, even if you did not know that you were watching Facesitting (this is how many people work out that they love it, by the way). However, this isn’t the ‘good’ stuff. This is not proper domination because it is just part and parcel of the sex act.
The real good Facesitting involves actual domination. A man is just taken, pinned down to the bed and forced to perform oral sex. Often, this is going to be associated with humiliation of some sort. It may even be tied into other forms of BDSM, although things always started off a bit ‘softcore’. Well, as softcore as Facesitting can get.
Facesitting does not even need to be naked. In fact, some of the best Facesitting porn that I have ever seen has been fully clothed. Remember; a good part of the kink is the fact that you can’t do what you want. You see a beautiful girl sitting on your face, her pussy up close, and you can’t help but want to rip it off. There is something about the fact that she keeps her clothes on which is going to be so riveting for you. You want to rip them off and give her all the pleasure that she wants, but she is just saying ‘no’. Yes. I know that watching porn, or even having sex, relies heavily on somebody being naked, but I do urge you to check out some clothed ‘porn’ on occasion. You will be surprised at just how great it is to watch, particularly when you are waiting for that inevitable moment that you she takes her clothes off…if you have yet to cum by that point, but I reckon you would have been unable to hold it in!
As I mentioned before; when you view Facesitting in porn, it always tends to involve somewhat of a spectacle. It needs to have that because it can be quite boring just to watch some standard oral sex. That is not why people get into the kinks, after all. They want something that is watchable. This means that, as mentioned several times, there will be other things worked around the Facesitting. For example; the use of special pieces of equipment.
In other cases, although this seems to be more rooted in the past, although you can find videos online if you are into that sort of thing, Facesitting can involve the consumption of bodily fluids too. Surprisingly, this is something which goes incredibly well with watersports and I know that there are several people out there who are also into that type of thing. It may be a bit of a push the first time that you check out this type of fem dom, but it is still quite exciting nonetheless!
Popularity in the ‘real world’
As you have no doubt worked out by now, the popularity of face sitting has gone up a lot over the past couple of years. This is because it is one of only a few forms of fem dom where you do not actually need to buy any BDSM equipment. It is also one of a few forms of fem dom where you aren’t really trying anything new because you have carried out oral sex before, most likely. Sure, I know that many of the people who are reading this website are here for the porn and the like, but if you ever do have the opportunity to try out Facesitting in real life because you are the submissive type (or even the dominant type if you are a female), then you really should try it out. It is an amazingly fun form of BDSM which is easy to get into and can liven up most sex sessions with ease. As I mentioned previously; it is also going to be a great way to be introduced to some of the other, slightly more, extreme kinks out there.
Check out Facesitting
If you want to check out Facesitting, or maybe a couple of other videos and photographs related to domination, then you are on the right page. We have collected a list of some of the best pornos around. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for some basic Facesitting porn or something a bit more extreme, we are positive that you will find something which will give you the exact kick that you want right here on this website.
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