I want to see your multitasking abilities Slave, so while I’m facesitting you, take off your pants and start stroking your cock. Don’t mind me smoking now, just think about it… if I don’t like what’s happening, my cigarette fire will find its way to your skin! Feeling your warm breathing through my leather panties make me so hot right now and I must confess, I feel the urge of pushing my ass so hard on your face and forbid you to take any air beside my smell. Yeah, just like that, breathe through your mouth because I want to feel your nose pushing my clit. You’re getting harder I see! Your cock wants some action maybe? For this time only, I’ll allow you to stroke it and release your cum all over my red panties, whit always mixes with red. Come on, don’t be shy, stroke it fast and splash me all over Slave.
Video length: 12:26 min.
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