I do think that your body is absolutely beautiful, but it would look a lot better if I bound you and then dripped wax all over it. How about we go ahead and get you ready? Get on your back and put this mask on – I don’t want you to know when the wax is coming. It should be a total surprise and believe me, the less you know about what’s going on around you, the better.
To really make this tease you, I’m going to periodically spray you with some cold water. Chances are, you won’t know which one is hitting you once we get into this – your body will feel the same amount of pain no matter what I do. If you behave and let me cover you in the hot wax, I might just let you get a taste of my cock. That’s what good girls get rewarded with when they perform well.
Video length: 10:03 min.
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