When this pretty redhead babe came to see her friend she didn’t have a femdom session in mind at all. She didn’t even know that her girlfriend is into that. Before she got a chance to figure out what’s going on, the mistress taped her hands together and strapped her to the wall making her become a slave without her approval. Then she stripped her down cutting her clothes off with a knife. Then she threatens to cut her pretty red hair off if she doesn’t drink a gallon of milk. When she finally gets it all down her throat she has to pee but the mistress won’t let her. The only way she could pee is in her panties and in a bowl. The mistress then gives her a glass of her own pee to drink and when she refuses it’s time for some spanking. In the end the poor slave gets hung up on the ceiling with a vibrator stuck in the pussy.
Video length: 12:20 min.
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