After getting beaten so many times, Zsolt is absolutely scared to get in the ring with either one of these girls, let alone both of them at the same time. Diana got the better of him at least ten times by now and Wrestler Judy Doo is not far behind. When the match starts, Suzie is the first one to give him pain. You can see the fear in his eyes and he would like to be anywhere but here right now. When Wrestler Judy Doo gets tired, Diana jumps in and they tag team hurting Zsolt more and more every minute. Somehow he is still holding in, but he’s getting weaker by the moment. To make things even harder, both those girls jump on top of him at one moment. He can’t move an inch while they keep slapping and choking him. In the end, they sit on his shoulders and arms and when he gives up, they step on him and take that famous victory pose.
Video length: 25:54 min.
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