Tight jeans and tight tops on big beautiful tits. Nothing threatening about that, right? Probably that’s what Zsolt had in mind when he charged them on the wrestling mat, not knowing how good Caroline and Ella are together as a team and how much pain can they inflict at the same time. There are seconds when it looks like he might win, but the only win that he gets it to bury his face in their chests and between their legs, really close to their asses. If he can ignore the sound of his bones cracking and almost melting from all the squeezing and pulling, he might actually enjoy this. But how can you enjoy life when you feel it’s fading away, even with two beautiful girls wrapped around you? Well, wrestling just got a lot more serious, these girls are not on punching and kicking level, and it looks like he’s the perfect bag for that.
Video length: 16:04 min.
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