So, I’ve heard through the great vine. You have a pretty small pecker. My girlfriend told me that it’s like this big? Really? You call that a penis? I mean, how could this pleasure anyone? It wouldn’t! No! I bet, all you can do is stay at home on the computer and wank off your little penis like this. Oh, so pathetic! So fucking small! Oh, if I saw that I’d point and laugh. I couldn’t help it. I mean, come on… That’s not even a mouth full… That’s not even a third of a mouth full. I like guys with big dicks like.. At least this big, not a pinkie dick! That’s so pathetic! Oh, how can you please anyone like that? How can you even please yourself? Can you even jack that off or do you have to use tweezers? You probably have to use tweezers, huh? Special made ones so that they’re all soft and they don’t scratch your little dick? It’s funny! You’re such a loser! You think there is any girls that might like this dick? No! I know! I know for a fact there’s not! Girls like real dicks, not pinkie dicks! So small… There’s like nothing to it! I mean, I can almost bite it off, it’s so small! It’s like eating a chicken wing or something. Oh, it’s so small! Smaller than a chicken bone, that’s for sure! It’s kind of what it reminds me of! It’s so small, I can’t even suck on it! My lips are almost like, touching together! See? It’s so small and pathetic! You can’t please anyone. No! All you do is jack off your little dick with your little tweezers… Probably bust out the microscope too, so you could find it! Which is probably hard because you’re so fat. You’re probably fat and you need to lift up your fat rolls to get your little dick out. I wonder what it’s like when it’s cold and it’s shriveled. Is it even there when it’s cold? Probably not. I mean, if it’s this big when it’s hard, it’s probably like a nub when it’s regular. If I were you, I’d probably just chop off your little dick and actually become a women so you could actually try to get some pleasure. Because, that’s not working out for you, I know that for sure. You probably like it in the ass anyways. Probably a fag. It’s like you fuck probably too with your little penis. Those tight young, virgin asses… But you know, it’s usually guys, huh? You like to fuck those young boys? Fucking pedophile! So gross! So fucking dirty! You little dick! Can’t get anything better. Get a sex change! Do something better with your life. I don’t even think that penis enlargement would work for you, you’re dick’s so small. I mean, there it might be, maybe this finger? That’s still pretty pathetic. I mean, that’s still not gonna pleasure anyone. So small… I can’t even nibble on it, it’s so small! It’s just… Pathetic! I don’t know how you go around walking, acting, talking like a man with this? That’s not a man. That’s not… You’re like a… I don’t even know what to call it, a nothing! Because, you’re not a man and you’re not a woman. You don’t really have a penis and I know that you don’t have a vagina. So, there is no reason for you! Sorry! Sorry! I don’t know… There’s just nothing there… It’s so small! Small and pathetic, can’t do anything with it… Come to think of it, I don’t even now how you get pleasure fucking an ass with this? I mean, I know it wouldn’t please me! It’s way too small! Maybe like a… I don’t know… It’s just small and ugly… Even if it was fat, it wouldn’t do anything. It’d just be there! Loser! Small dick loser! How about this one? That one is better! Fucking loser!
Video length: 6:31 min.
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