You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of you! Oh, well, mine is a little bit bigger than yours but, it still reminds me of you and I know when I do this… When I stroke my pinkie are you imagining that I’m stroking your cock because they’re the same size? Oh, it is, huh? So, I stroke my pinkie and you stroke your fucking little cock, huh? And it’s the same! So small… It’s like a little pencil. More like, the eraser of pencil! Oh, yeah, and you just love it when I stroke it like this because you’re like: “Oh, that’s what my cock looks like! Oh, Chloe does such a good job of stroking those fucking little pinkie dicks! I mean, look at that shit!” Oh, yeah! Oh, are you gonna cum? Is your little pinkie dick gonna cum? Oh is it? Is it gonna cum if I suck on it a little bit like that? Oh, are you gonna cum? Oh, yeah! I’m sure that you already came because that little pinkie dick, I’m sure is a premature ejaculator because that’s like, the size of a baby! So… I’m sure you have other problems too, right? It’s not just that you have the little dick syndrome, it’s that you have lots of problems. You have problems down there and you’re unsociable and you can’t get laid… So, yeah. You have lots and lots of problems! So what do you do all day instead of facing your problems? You would rather just go and stroke your little fucking pinkie dick all day long, right? Do you even come out of your room? Oh, you probably don’t, right? You’re probably just sitting on your computer all day long. You have a refrigirator right next to you so you don’t have to move to get anything to eat and then you just go from your bathroom to your room and all day long you’re just stroking your little fucking dick, huh? How pathetic! Sometimes I wonder if a girl… If you’re slightly attractive, if a girl actually likes you and she wants to fuck you and then she goes down there and this is all she sees? Oh, I feel bad for that girl because she is not gonna do that! Even though she might like you and she might be nice… Still! No girl would ever have fun with this! It’s too small! So you just need to face it. You’re gonna be a loser for the rest of your life. You’re gonna be lonely and you’re gonna be the only one that ever strokes your little pinkie dick! Boo fucking hoo! Pinkie dick loser!
Video length: 3:24 min.
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