Hello you faggot weenieses! So, I hear you all have these little tiny penises! Oh! And what are you suppose to do with those little tiny penises? Beats me because I know… that’s nothing! That is not fun for me! I like to be fucked with big, big hard cocks! Not little tiny peckers like you have! You’re so pathetic. That little tiny thing you call a dick… I know I wouldn’t use that! I’d be so embarissed! You better be embarissed, you fucking faggot! Oh, your little small penis! Is this how you jerk it off? Probably need a tweezer to even hold it, right? That’s what I thought! You’ll never, ever be able to get with a girl like me with that small penis! You’re such a foggot! Your penis is probably so small, you don’t even do anything with it! You just sit there and let it hang and you’re like: “Oh, oh, what that?” Oh, is that what you call penis? I wouldn’t have known because it’s so small! It’s so tiny! It’s like… Look! It’s smaller than my pinkie! Oh, it’s so cute… But useless, like you! You fucktard! You’re so pathetic! Look at this little, little tiny penis! Oh, oh, it’s so small! You’re a loser! I bet you go around talking to all your guy friends how small your penis is. Probably have a whole small penis community where all you guys just sit together and you talk about all the hot girls that you want like me. But, you know you’ll never get it because you don’t have a big cock! Because girls like big cocks and you just don’t have it! You never will! It’s just like… Kind off like a retard! A sexual retard because you have such a small penis, that you can’t do anything with it. You just don’t know how to use it. So, you’re a retard! Small penis retard! Small penis retard! You’re so stupid! I feel so sorry for guys like you! Just immagining hot girls like me, you’ll never be able to get with because of that tiny, tiny sorry thing you call a dick! Never be gonna be able to go inside a vagina because it’s too small! So small! Yeah! If I saw you in person, I don’t even think I would be able to laugh because it’s so small! I just… I would just be in shock because I wouldn’t know if you were a woman or a man! Because I’d be like: “Oh, what is that? Kind of… It’s so small kind of looks like a pimple. I just wanna pop it!” And you’re probably so easy that, as soon as I got close enough to you, you probably would pop all over me because you’re so pathetic and you don’t get any pussy! Oh, my God! I could just go on for days about how small and pathetic your penis is! It’s just sorry! You’re just one sorry fucking loser with a really small tiny dick! Oh, little tiny dick! Hold on, I might need to get out my microscope to even look at it. If I had one, that is. But, I don’t like small penises like you. I like big, big penises! They’re so good in my small tight vagina! But, this, I would never feel because it’s so tiny! No. It’s just not gonna work. No one’s ever gonna want that! It’s just so small and so pathetic! It’s just so tiny! I just… I don’t even know what to say! It’s just so sad! I think my tongue is bigger! I know, if you were my boyfriend, I would definitelly turn lesbian after being with you because… Yeah… This just isn’t cutting it, you little fucktard! It’s just so small! Just way too small! It’s not gonna work. It’s too tiny. I don’t like tiny dicks and therefore I don’t like faggot losers like you! It is just so small! It’s like… I don’t know. Just too tiny. I just don’t like it. I don’t like tiny dicks and I don’t like you! Sorry!
Video length: 5:39 min.
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