So, today I decided that I’m gonna see what all the fuss is about with you guys. Why you guys like jerking off better than actually getting laid. So, I got out my favorite cock. A size of a real, good penis, not little tiny one’s like all you guys have. But, this is my cock so it’s gotta be a good size and I wanna jerk off with you guys today and we can all just have a little jerk-circle together. Sound like a good idea? I thought so because you guys are all fagots. Oh, so… Let’s see… How do you guys start this? Oh, yeah, usually you just spit in your hand, right? Alright, we’re ready! Oh, yeah! Then you like…start at the head, like this. Then go harder. Oh, yeah! Oh, does that feel good? You know, this isn’t amusing me. I don’t know why you guys like jerking off so much. You guys just make a lot of stupid funny noises like: “Oh! Oh, yeah! Oh, I love touching myself! Oh, oh yeah! I just love my right hand! More than getting pussy!” Is that what you guys think all the time? Or is that you guys are just so much more fucking losers than real men that you can’t get pussy! I bet that’s it! Oh, jerking off is just so pathetic! This honestly… Is this fun for you? Because it’s kind of boring for me. I’m sure it feels good but, haven’t you really gotten laid? Seriously, I’m sure it feels like – a million times better! But you just like touching yourself so much more, right? Oh, you’re just like, stroking that cock. Oh, yeah! Oh, you stroke it so much! Oh, I just love my penis! I love my penis so much, I just wish I could touch it all day long! I wish I could suck on it all day long and I wish could sit on it all day long! Oh, I love my penis! Oh! Oh, yeah! I don’t think about girls, I don’t think about other guys… I just think about my penis! Oh, Yeah! Oh! Oh! Yeah! Oh, my penis is so good! It just feels so good in my hand! Oh! I’m gonna cum all over! Is that what you do? Is that what makes you cum when you’re jacking off? Is that you thinking about your penis and how much you love it, and how much you wanna suck on it, and sit on it? That’s what makes you cum and that’s why you jerk off all the time, isn’t it? Yeah… It’s not because you can’t get laid, which we all know you can’t. It’s because you’re totally fucking obsessed with your penis! You’re such a fucking weirdo! Later!
Video length: 4:05 min.
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