So, I have this mold of your penis, right here. Yes, this little teeny tiny penis. I mean, it’s so small. I know I can’t have fun with that because it’s not even fun to suck, I mean it’s… It’s so tiny! I mean, honestly it’s just a little tiny bit bigger than my finger. If I wanted to be finger banged, I would do it myself, OK? So, I know how pathetic and teeny tiny small your penis is so I decided that I have to go and find a replica of a dick that I would fuck! So, I went out shopping and I found one! Now, this is a dick! This is a perfect hard, beautiful cock. One that I would love to fuck all day long. I mean, I would actually get on my knees and beg for this cock. And I love how it barely fits in my mouth! Yeah, that’s what I call fucking, not this! I mean, seriously that’s not fun to me anymore, it is as big as my tongue. This is a challenge. Big, big hard cock! I would love to fuck this dick. Oh yeah! I know that it would actually give me pleasure. This huge big dick could actually make me cum. I would cum, probably like ten times but, if would fuck this little dick… Orgasms would be non-existing because this thing? How can this please anyone? This little teeny tiny thing would never please a woman. And a woman would never ever… If she tells you that she likes it, she’s lying to you! She just feels sorry for you and she doesn’t wanna laugh in your face! But me? I don’t care, I’ll laugh in your face! And I’m gonna point and shout out to the world: He has a small penis! He’s never gonna get laid because he has a little pinkie dick! I’m not as nice as those other girls that say that your dick is fine. Your dick is not fine! You should just chop it off because it’s way to fucking small. At least, if you were a girl, you could maybe get laid but… I don’t know. You’d probably still be an ugly ass girl so, that wouldn’t work. This! This is a nice cock and I love it! And you know what? I’m probably gonna go and fuck myself with this cock now because it’s turning me on so much so… Fuck you and your teeny tiny cock! I’m gonna have fun.
Video length: 4:11 min.
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