Being a slave can be really hard sometimes because the punishment for a simple mistake can be really severe. This girl made a mistake of putting the fork on the wrong side when she brought her mistress breakfast in bed so she got caged to cool down. That was not the end of her ordeal. The mistress takes her out of the cage and ties her up to the wall of her dungeon, ready to abuse her nipples really hard. She spanks and whips her tight ass with the first thing that comes to hand and then she[s ready to take it out on her tits. She squeezes those pink nipples with her fingers and bites them really hard. The slave says that it turns her on, but she’s still screaming in pain because the mistress is showing no signs of stopping. The mistress even bits on her nipple piercing that is still fresh, making her cry.
Video length: 21:11 min.
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