Felix the slave is bound with his arms above his head and with clothespins on his nipples. His redhead Mistress smacks at the clothespins with her riding crop, making them tug painfully before they finally fall off. But she doesn’t stop there; his Mistress reaches for a lit candle and lets the wax drop onto the man’s chest, making sure that some lands on his sore nipples. After she’s left his chest speckled with green wax, she casually lights a cigarette with the candle, taking slow drags from it and tracing ash right over those nipples, as if they haven’t endured enough already. For that additional bit of humiliation, she orders him to open his mouth, after which she uses it as her personal ashtray. She can’t help but laugh at the sight of his tongue turned black from the ash smeared over its surface, and the masochistic slave can’t help getting hard from the objectification. For him, it’s all worth it, even if it’s just for the sight of his Mistress’ big tits that teasingly threaten to fall out of her tight corset whenever she makes even the slightest movement. Just being in her presence is enough to make him beg for more pain and more humiliation.
Video length: 8:24 min.
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