Look who we have here, this pathetic little looser. You should come a little closer. Let me look you up and down and see what you’re packing with. Really? That’s what you’re packing with? That little itty bitty tiny dick? Oh my god, that is so fucking pathetic… Only fucking losers have little one inch little dicks. What’s that fucking face for? Huh? What did you expect? A beautiful woman like myself is gonna fucking suck that? Is gonna fuck that? Mmm… no.
Oooh, what’s the matter? You’re gonna cry? Cry like a little itty bitty tiny? Wee wee wee? Ah, you’re so fucking pathetic, look at you! Oh, you’re trying to jerk off in front of me? With what? Like this? No… How can you fucking even get a hard on, with just doing this to your fucking little itty bitty cock? Come on now… Oh my god, you’re trying so hard to fucking show off and it’s ridiculous, what the fuck is wrong with you, you’re such a little bitch… You’re so fucking disgusting. Like, who would want to, like even touch it, Like I don’t even want to poke that little dick. Is it even called a dick? Because I don’t think that’s the right size for it to be called a dick… Oh, you poor thing… Your parents are really ashamed of you…The fucking gave birth to a fucking little pussy dick. But the good thing is, I love talking shit about you and that little itty bitty tiny dick, that little tiny penis. And look how skinny it is, like as little skinny as my pinky. Look at that! Oh… Try to jerk off for me, I just wanna see. I’m kinda curious right now. Oh my god, so fucking pathetic. Like, I’m not getting turned on at all and that’s so fucking sad… Yeah, try and play with your little one testicle that you have, that’s like… that tiny.. look at that! See how tiny it is? How the fuck can you be walking around with that little tiny dick? Tiny little penis… Have you ever heard of fucking Viagra? Duh! Oh, that doesn’t work on you? That’s so sad and pathetic… Oh, you poor little thing. Except I needed a laugh today though and you are definitely giving me that, that’s for sure, the only thing that you can provide for me. Oh, look at you, squirmy with your little bad puppy eyes. I don’t fucking care, what are you gonna do? You can’t fucking please me… and you can’t fucking talk right either, you’re like “dzdzd”… I can’t, I can’t… No you can’t! Oh… there’s actually nothing you can do to satisfy me, not even having a conversation with me. You’re not worth the time. Like, look at yourself. You’re a fucking pussy ass bitch, with an itty bitty little dick. Like who the fuck wants to be around that shit? Oh my god…
Yeah, try to jerk off one more time… Oh my god… Oh here, how about if I give you some… something to admire? Maybe that will get your dick hard, I hope it does. Yeah, go on. Try to stroke that cock for me… Oh, is that the best you can do? Seriously? That’s it? Oh my god… should I even be showing you off this amazing, gorgeous, curvaceous body? It can’t even fucking get you hard. That’s the hardest you can go? Seriously? Oh god, that’s so pathetic… Like, look at this… That doesn’t turn your itty bitty dick on? Huh? Oh my god… that is seriously the hardest you can go…
See, I actually had maybe a tiny bit of hope, that maybe your cock can fit in my tiny tiny little pussy hole, but it doesn’t look like that. You’re dying to see my little pussy, aren’t you? But you know what? You have an itty bitty tiny dick, you’re not worth that. So I’m gonna sit here and teas you with my shorts on. Is that even getting you harder? I can see you getting more and more turned on… but your cock isn’t getting bigger at all. That is so sad and pathetic. You’re such a little loser, like look at this… I bet you must slap your tiny cock on this tiny little smooth ass, huh? Well, you’re not worthy of it. What are you gonna do, is it gonna go like this? No honey, if the cock is gonna slap my ass, is gonna be like this. You can’t provide that for me… Oh, you’re gonna cry? Yeah, cry bitch… cry, because you’re not gonna be able to have this. All in your face, or on your cock… You wanna lick this nice little brown nipple? No, you can’t! What are you gonna do, ha? You can’t provide me sexually, you can’t fucking do anything… You’re so fucking worthless, you’re a piece of shit. A fucking looser that has a little itty bitty dick. Here I am, being all sexy for you and it’s not doing a damn fucking thing. Oh, look at you trying so hard… Haven’t you ever heard of fucking dick implants? I think you should get one. Maybe then you’ll have some high hopes.
Well, I’m kinda’ curious, so I want you to cum for me… yes. Try and cum, I wanna see how much you can bust. That’s right, keep going… That’s the best you can do? A little squirt, that’s it, like a tear drop? Ah, it’s so fucking pathetic, you need to get the fuck out of my face! Bye.. that was worthless…
Video length: 10:19 min.
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