The concept of body part comparison is quite wide and varied in a sexual context. It should be noted that the comparison of body parts is often used as a tool for ridicule and belittling, although it can also be considered sexual in and of itself without the exchange of power or abuse.
This article will deal with three types of body part comparison that usually occur in fetish interest groups and are sexually desirable by some.

The first relates to two individuals of equal power comparing their various body parts. An individual that enjoys this type of body part comparison is likely to be a third party observing the comparison – for instance, a slave or equivalent watching two mistresses show off and compare their bodies. In these situations, the power dynamic is unlikely to be exchanged between the two mistresses: they are merely enjoying one another and observing their differences. A common trait in these types of body part comparison experiences are women with a specific characteristic of interest. For instance, BBWs may measure their waists, arms and thighs to see which is the bigger of the two. Sometimes, the characteristics are contrasted, such as women of an Amazonian nature (tall/strong) comparing herself to a petite lady. The size element of body part comparison is likely to be the most prevalent, but scenes can also discuss color, texture and other characteristics of various body parts. The most common points of comparison are feet, hands and butt measurements. In some cases, pregnant women may compare the sizes of their stomachs.
The second relates to an individual comparing themselves or someone else to another individual in an exchange of power scenario. Put simply, this would be where a dominatrix talks to her slave directly about his body and how it relates to that of others. This is often done for the purposes of humiliation and abuse. The exact nature of the abuse depends heavily on the characteristics of the dominatrix. For instance, if she is taller or has larger muscles, she may focus on these aspects when comparing herself to her slave. There may be occasions where the dominatrix instead focuses on the comparison to a third party. An example of this would be having photographs of a black man’s penis and abusing the male slave for having a much smaller penis in comparison. Typically, shaming of characteristics is based on classically desirable traits. It would likely be hard for a dominatrix to abuse a man for being too muscular, for instance.
The third relates to a comparison of an individual toward themselves. This may sound strange, but it often incorporates time as an element. A dominatrix may choose to measure a male slave when they start engaging in BDSM sessions and at a later date, call back on the measurements for abusive purposes. Weight is a common tool of shaming, as an increase for most people is seen as a negative, unattractive characteristic. However, for men who visit the gym regularly, a dominatrix may measure the thickness of a muscle and track its progression. Naturally, abuse here is based upon desirable characteristics, much like in the second type of body part comparison given.
Body part comparison is a very low-risk activity as most of it is merely observational in nature. As such, individuals should maintain a standard level of care when practicing it. In some instances, a person may desire to find communities devoted to body part comparison online. They may also desire to be humiliated and abused based on their bodies on common platforms that deal with rating and critique of individuals.