What, you want me to give you a handjob? Boy, you’re really fucking lucky! Usually I’m not this nice! Alright, come on, drop ’em! Show me what you’ve got! Come here! What is that? Dude, are you sure you’re a man? Sure you’re not confused or something? Dude, this is like… This is your penis man? It’s like an oversized clit! You’ve got to be kidding! Can you even get it up? Seriously? Look! Look at that! It’s like barely wider than my fingernail. You fucking kidding me! Oh, God, I’m not even gonna ask! Oh, my God! Seriously, I know why you asked for handjob, there’s no fucking way you’d even be able to get that in me! I mean, too big’s one thing… Too small? Dude, you wouldn’t even be able to fuck me doggy style! My ass is too big! I mean, seriously! Do I have much of an ass? No, I don’t have much of an ass, I’m a skinny white girl! Damn dude! God must have hated you! Look at that, seriously! I mean, how big is it around, let’s see. That big? Oh, maybe I’m being nice, I wasn’t squeezing. There you go. Maybe more like that. Baby, you really got lucky. I bet you can’t even cum. No, you can’t cum huh? Really? You can cum and you’re completely sure that you can get this stupid thing up? I mean, is it up? Is that it? Is that all there is? That little tiny thing? Dude, that is sad! That is seriously, seriously sad! Oh, my God! Yeah, one thing’s for sure, you and I are definitely not fucking. Not a chance! Dude, the thing’s like a pea! Seriously, I’ve swallowed tick tacks bigger than that! Oh, God! Look at you, you even got balls to match! Little baby balls look, they haven’t even dropped yet! Are you sure you’re legal? Are you sure you’re not like six or something? Dude… You are so fucking pathetic! The fact that you even like something like this, you tolerating me talking to you like this? Dude, do you have any fucking balls at all? Yeah, didn’t think so! God, look at this thing! Are you sure it’s up? You wanna see some more of me? Tits perhaps? Dude, you gotta be fucking kidding me! You’d probably cum in two seconds if you saw my tits! Maybe, how about I give you one second? That way, in case you started to cum, we could just stop it and cover them back up. See? See these? I think I’m a little bit too much for you. No, actually I know I’m too much for you. See those? Those are reserved for the kind of guys who know how to fuck like a man. The kind of guys who look like a man. The kind of guys that have some sort of balls and dick, not some oversized freaking super enlarged clit! Seriously! You could honestly think about going and getting a sex change. I mean, really, you’d do much better as a girl. I mean, honestly, if you were a girl, no one would make fun of you for having a little tiny dick. They’d just think you had a big clit! Nothing wrong with that! Wow, you’re gonna cum, already? You gotta be kidding me! It haven’t even last what, like, five minutes? Yeah, I thought too. You can last a little longer than that, can’t you? What, you want me to suck it now? What is there to suck, I mean, there’s nothing there! Seriously, it’s like, that big! You’ve got to be kidding, look at that! Barely fits in my mouth, barely! Dude, I wanna be able to suck on something if I’m gonna give a blowjob. I’ll give a blowjob… Whatever! Like this little peanut sticking out of your crotch! I mean dude, honestly! Give me a fucking break, that is not a penis! I mean, seriously, did you ever mature past the age of two? The thing is miniature! How old are you? Too old? Still a baby stick? Such a pity! You’re screwed my friend! Completely utterly screwed and definitely not in the way you want to be. Are you gonna cum? I bet your balls are like freaking miniature grapes! I don’t you even have enough room for semen in there. I don’t think so! You probably cum, what? A drop or two? That probably doesn’t even shoot out your cock. It probably just kind of dribbles. You might have even cum already and I wouldn’t even notice it. A little extra lubrication. An utter waste of time! I mean, honestly, what am I getting out of this? Absolutely nothing! I mean, seriously! You jack it off! You get more experience playing! ….Hand around it like a real man. While you can only fit two fingers. Oh, wait, maybe, maybe, maybe three except that now it’s the length of the whole thing so you can’t move your fingers. You just have to kind off twitch it a little. You are so completely pathetic! Look it, seriously. Give it to me! Honestly… How on Earth? There’s like, there’s nothing in there! It’s not even that hard! It’s like this little nod thing! It looks like a freaking joystick on those video game controllers. Yeah. It’s about the size too! Are you gonna cum yet? Oh, yeah! You wanna cum? Here, I’ll make you cum! Look at my tits again, yeah? See? See? Oh, yeah, see? You came! Well, just look at that. You dribble. You’ve got to be kidding me. Dude, give me a fucking break, you’re not a man!
Video length: 8:42 min.
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