Great, it seems that you came prepared for this match. I know it will be fun, but what’s with all the excitement in your eyes and on your entire face Attila? Is it something you really want? Oh, I see. In this case I’ll try to show you some mercy and probably I will leave your neck in one piece, because I wouldn’t want you to look at me from one side. I will admit to one thing, I really like your passion and your backbone, but don’t you think you should try a bit more? So far you end up in my scissor grip every time and I can only see your head between my legs. You probably want a sniff, don’t you? Ok, take a deep breath then. Take it! It’s all the air you get for now, I don’t like wimps and you are acting like a bitch. Oh, you need this arm? Nah, it’s mine now and I’m gonna do with it as I please. Are you a leftie perhaps? I’ll break that one too.
Video length: 20:50 min.
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