We are all used to watch as the skinny wrestler Sunny gets his ass kicked by different girls, but he never had an opponent as strong as Kyra is. This is a girl that is made out of sheer muscle and that means lots of pain for Sunny. He knows that so he’s already almost giving up right at the beginning of their practice match on the roof. Regardless, she has made up her mind to hurt him as much as possible just because she’s stronger and she can do it. Well, that and it’s really fun for her. Her biceps is three times bigger than Sunny’s. She even lets him grab her in a chokehold and squeeze as tight as he can, but she gets out if it like it’s nothing. Poor Sunny has nowhere to run so she keeps on crushing him with those steel thighs of hers. In the end, Sunny forfeits when he loses all his strength, and Kyra is the winner. No surprise there.
Video length: 15:35 min.
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