Look at you. Look at you, typical, surfing the web like every other loser there is. So sad… You wish you had someone hot like me to jerk off to, don’t you? Too bad because you’re a fucking loser. You live with you parents your whole life. So sad… I might as well just kick you. Lick my feet, that’s how much of a fucking loser you are. Go ahead, suck ’em. Put them deep in your fucking mouth. Yeah, that’s right, you’re nothing but a sad little fucking broke little loser. Never had a job, living with your parents and surfing the web wishing you had a hot pussy like mine. Yea, you like that? Well you’re never gonna get it. Fucking broke ass never do anything but sit around the fucking house with that short little shriveled up little noodle that you have. So sad… Fucking geek.. Internet surfing little geek. Might as well just kill yourself. Living with your fucking parents, grown ass man living with your fucking parents, are you kidding me? You’re a fucking loser. You see this ass right here? You’ll never get a piece of it, anything like this you fucking short dick ass loser. Fuck no, little bitches like you don’t get shit. So sad. Typical, typical fucking loser. That’s all I can say. You wish you had a pretty face like me to come home to every night. But you don’t! And you never will! Look at you, you’re pathetic. Come home every day, surfing the fucking little net, using all your money on memberships. Go get a real fucking job! Go be a man! You’ll never be one. You have to be a cock to be a man, a real big one. You don’t even have this to work with! Isn’t that sad? Jacking off with you’re little fingers. You’re never gonna be any body, you’ll never gonna have any body like me. So sad. Well, I don’t know what to tell you… Get of your little ass and find yourself something to do instead of sitting in your parent’s basement all day eating pizza and chips. Fat fucking bastard. Look at yourself! You’re a sloppy fucking mess. Look at yourself! Look at your body! You’re never amount to anything. I don’t think you know who you are. Well, I do… A pathetic little fucking worm that I can step on with my feet. You like that? Fucking squish you? Squish you like the little bug that you are! Your imaginary girlfriends and stuff. You wish you had a girlfriend! You wish you had a little pussy that you could touch… Besides your own. Yeah. You’ll never be shit! You will never have anybody like me! Never, in your life, will you have anybody like me. You’ll be alone. Fucking loser that you are, you’re not gonna have shit. You think you’re cool now because you have your little job and you ride around with your ugly, beat up little car? You’re not gonna be anything. You’ll never be anything. Especially with that little ass cock of yours. Unconfident little bastard. You don’t even know what to do with yourself do you? Sitting there watching me all day, wishing you have this pussy to play with. Yeah! I know you like it, don’t you? Maybe if I’m nice, I’ll give you a sneak peak. That will never happen! Keep dreaming baby, sorry. Yeah, I’m mean, ain’t I? Well look at you, you’re fucking pathetic! You should get up and do something with your fucking life, you lowlife little bastard! Watching us girls on the internet and movies, sitting around, jacking off, playing with yourself all day.. Who do you think you are? Prince charming that can swoop up a girl any time he pleases? NO! You’re a fucking pathetic little bastard. Geeky, no good, lame looser and that’s what you’ll always be! You can never change! You were born like this, it is in your destiny so its really not your fault. Make something of yourself. Please! You’ll never be shit but a little tiny bug that I’ll flick away. Yeah, you wish you have something to rub on right now don’t you? Watching me is turning you on? Does that make your little fucking limp dick hard? Yeah, I think it does. But, like I said, you’ll never be shit, you’ll never have anybody like me. And that’s to bad, for a loser like you. Better grow some balls soon. Yeah, better grow some fucking balls because you’re a little pussy! Look at you, sitting on that fucking couch! It has a fucking dent in it because of your ass, eating all the potato chips and soda pop. Who do you think you are? Huh? Do you think of yourself as somebody? Do you think that you’re attractive? Do you think that you’re cute? Baby, please. You’ll never do shit! Look at you, fucking little worm, you’ll never be shit! Sorry to say that. Yeah! Do you like me? Well, you’ll never fucking have something like me! You’ll never fucking have anything! Look at you, sitting there, watching, thinking you’re gonna have a hot girl, maybe one day? Well, think again buddy! You’re not gonna have shit with your little limp dick! You’ll never gonna have anything because you’re a fucking lame little loser who’s gonna sit at your parent’s house all day, BROKE! That’s who you are! Sorry to say, but, you won’t be shit! Bye!
Video length: 8:04 min.
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