-This sweet-yet-cruel femdom really shines in this video, which showcases some small penis humiliation in addition to her usual dominant antics. She has her slave strip down, no doubt making him think that he’ll be given some sort of sexual reward. Instead, all he gets is her laughter when she sees his cock, realizing it will be of no use in pleasuring her. Frustrated, she reaches for a dildo and hands it to him, telling him to use that instead. Dejected, but obedient, he fucks his femdom Mistress with the toy, making her moan and squeal in pleasure from it as his cock could never do. He even moves a hand to her ass for support, which she yells at him for, telling him that he’s not allowed to touch her. After all, his task is to hold the dildo which resembles a more manly size of cock, letting him feel that toy thrust in and out of her body.
Video length: 7:33 min.
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