You’re gonna make me laugh so hard that it will turn into madness and I’m gonna rip those tidy whiteys of your ass. What kind of man wears such a thing? Come here, let mama take care of you. Uh, you have an attitude I see. Well, I might as well pull it out from your nose. The big boy managed to put me down a bit? Is that i? Careful not to hurt your little pecker and make you wish you’d wear some big boys pants for the day. How does it feel to be stretched like a rope? I can sense your smile fading away, along with the air in your lungs. Is this what you had in mind? I think not. At least you have the chance to enjoy touching me, well, more like me touching you. Will the boy start crying now? Ah, I just started, keep it up a little bit.
Video length: 15:13 min.
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