I’m not really in the mood to satisfy your greedy look Slave, I just want to slam you down and be done with it. Lately I have this urge to wrap my legs around someone’s neck and to not let go until I see the last breath of air dropping. “Lucky” you, here we are and my desire still hasn’t left yet. Do you think you’re up for it? Come closer then and let me see what power lies behind those sorry ass muscles. I wanna see if you’re even a slight challenge for me since I’m not in the mood to be disappointed. Move your ass, do something, it’s like you gave up before you even started. At most you make me laugh and I don’t see any moves in you that could make me think “this is at least fun”. How about if I put your bones in real danger, would that make you think this is no laughing matter and you’ll grow some balls?
Video length: 20:11 min.
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Rex says
Make me your servant bitch
Rex says
Love to be beatin!