Everyone knows that a day of walking leads to some pretty stinky feet. This mistress knows that first hand and soon her slave will too. It doesn’t matter if he likes the smell of her feet or not. He’s going to have to sniff them and her shoes. Every now and then you come across a mistress that has an amazing ability to control every aspect of her slave. This mistress is able to do just that. The slave even lays on the floor all day long when she’s not there. After sniffing her feet, he goes right back to laying on the floor. Saying that this mistress has her slave trained is an understatement. The odor from her feet must be pretty strong, sometimes it seems to cause him a little discomfort. His mistress could care less if he likes the smell or not. It’s the least of her concerns and the proof of that is the expression on her face when he appears to have had a little too much of it.
Video length: 7:58 min.
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