You know what Slave? I’m going to give you at least something good to see, since your worthless ass is no challenge for me here. Even if I were wrestling with a tied up woman I would’ve had something to put some muscle into, but you spend all your time under me, on the floor, with your head stuck between my legs looking for air. What’s up with that you pussy? You can’t even almost put me down, you’re so worthless in this game that I pity you. Nah, no mercy. If you fight like a twig, you’ll break like one. So come one, let me hear you gasping for air and beg your Mistress for mercy. You won’t get any, but it’s still something, at least you’re good at begging. Sorry, I can’t hear your sorry face from under me, it’s like you’re not even there. Can you at least try and move something?
Video length: 17:01 min.
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