It was time for this big baby’s walk so his mommy took him outside to a field. He didn’t want to walk anymore so he fell to the ground and started crying. She tried to give him her nipple to make him stop, but that was not what he wanted. That only leaves one option – the strap-on. She quickly takes her clothes off and puts it on. She moves his diapers to the side and sticks it in his ass. He really likes it when mommy drills his butt with a big strap-on and so does she. They keep switching positions and he just can’t get enough. Since he was such a good little sport, mommy decided to jerk his cock a little while he’s riding. He is not complaining as she does. When he had enough ass drilling, she jerks his cock on the grass until he cums all over the place.
Video length: 25:22 min.
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