In BDSM, OTK spanking is a type of spanking that occurs when the subject is placed over the knee (OTK) of the person giving the spanks. It is a position often utilized for its ease of access, relative positional comfort and ability for complete control to be given to the dom in the scene. While there are several other spanking positions, it is likely the case that the most preferred and practiced within the BDSM community is the over the knee position.
Historically, OTK spanking is seen throughout the ages in various forms of media. Paintings depicting OTK spanking span back over hundreds of years and while not always sexual in nature, it lends itself to the idea that in terms of administration of spanks, the position is one with many benefits. When administering OTK spanking, the dom should do their utmost to ensure that the buttocks of the individual they’re spanking is the highest vertical point of their body. Typically, OTK spanking will involve the head of the individual being much lower than the rest of the body.

From the receiver’s point of view, OTK spanking has a number of benefits in regard to the feeling of helplessness and submission. The head’s position is often such that they feel a lot lower in terms of height than they actually are, the relative ability for them to see is also restricted owing to them facing down and also, their own body and the body of the person they’re being spanked by may reduce the ability for them to hear and see (which may tie in with sensory deprivation). The feeling of helplessness is also amplified by way of the fact that it is not easy to move while in such a position as the legs are either suspended or the strength of the other person makes it easy for them to remain pinned down. Finally, in the event of involuntary reflexes when spanked, the recoiling motion to try and ‘escape’ will be fruitless, as the person administering the blows will have their knees in the way.
The close body contact between the two individuals involved may also be a key element of the OTK spanking position. From the spanker’s perspective, the OTK position allows them to have full access to the bottom region and also provides a very convenient hand motion that feels natural and is unlikely to result in any adverse effects. As a result, less effort is required and more precise spanking is made available.
While not always the case, OTK spanking may be adopted as a part of an age play experience. In age play, an individual aims to experience and feel similar to themselves at a previous period on their life – typically childhood around the age of 6. Over the knee spanking has historically been used in a non-sexual setting for the punishment of naughty children – because of this close association, it can be utilized in order to enhance this desire for age-based experiences.
With regard to safety, spanking is generally considered to be a medium-risk activity within BDSM. In terms of short-term damage, the few days following a session of spanking may result in soreness around the region and make pressure in the region particularly uncomfortable (sitting down, for instance). Care should be taken to direct the spanks directly to the buttocks and if this advice is followed, the potential for long-term damage is essentially non-existent as the bottom’s proximity to potentially problematic areas is limited. As with all BDSM practices, open dialog and safewords should be utilized to ensure that all parties involved are safe and protected.