Glove fetishism is the experience of being erotically stimulated by glove-based activities. These activities can range from highly external stimulation, such as watching someone put on a pair of gloves, or direct contact, such as masturbation using them. There is no ‘one size fits all’ definition of glove fetishism and many people engage in it in a variety of different ways.
Materials for gloves vary and many people desire different thing. Cotton, latex, silk, nylon and PVC are all popular types, although the majority of people are into either latex gloves or PVC/leather gloves. Most individuals that actively practice glove fetishism prefer for it to be indulged by a third party – that is to say that they wish to have someone else wear gloves. Autonomous engagement of glove fetishism isn’t uncommon however and masturbation using gloves is quite a common way for people to enjoy their fetishism.

The reasons for the fetishism of gloves are varied. One popular explanation refers to the fact that most gloves are used in circumstances where an individual has a particular duty to perform. Roleplay is a large element of sexual engagement and it may be the case that someone finds it easier to suspend disbelief if the other person is wearing pieces of uniform or tools utilized by that particular profession. In the case of PVC gloves, an association with dominant individuals in BDSM scenes is likely to occur, whereas latex gloves are more likely to be used in medical-related situations and may incorporate elements of medical fetishism into the equation.
From a visual perspective, gloves provide many potential avenues of stimulation. Most gloves worn will provide one single, solid color, texture and feel – in much the same way that pantyhose and tights remove blemishes from the skin of a woman’s legs, the same is the case for gloves. Some gloves may also have a particularly shiny surface, or otherwise provide stimulation because of their color.
From a medical point of view, sexual contact using the hands is much safer when disposable gloves are utilized. This is unlikely to cause sexual stimulation in and of itself, but it may allow more people to enjoy the sexual fetishisation of gloves, especially with those that they do not have a monogamous sexual relationship with.
Another aspect of glove fetishisation involves the smell of the gloves. For particular materials that have a distinct odor, sniffing the gloves – either before, during and after their wear – may provide sexual stimulation to the individual. Another common source of sexual stimulation from glove fetishism is the act of taking them off. Gloves often increase the level of sweat on the hands as well as incubate various smells: these in combination with the fetishism of the glove may be sexually enjoyable for some individuals.
Owing to the fact that there are virtually no health risks associated with glove fetishism and that in some cases, it even increases the safety of sexual contact, engagement in fetishism of gloves is something that people should be encouraged to engage in if they desire to do so. While not as common as other fetishes, glove fetishism still has a relatively large following and some websites dotted around the Internet provide themselves as platforms for individuals to discuss, talk and share their images of glove fetish experiences.