After a humiliating defeat, Peter wanted another go in the ring with Roxy. He had to do that in order to save his reputation because getting beat up by a girl is not something that a true alfa male can allow. He was prepared much better for this match than the previous one. Roxy threw her best moves at Peter right away, putting him in uncomfortable positions, but he manages to get out of them. His technique has changed, he is using her moves on her. Roxy didn’t expect that and now she doesn’t now how to retaliate. Peter keeps squeezing her with both legs as hard as he can and you can see that Roxy is slowly losing her focus. By the middle of the match, he is doing whatever he wants and Roxy is totally helpless. He finally got her right where he wanted her and she had no choice but to surrender.
Video length: 16:39 min.
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