You would think that Zsolt has learned his lesson by now, but the fact is he didn’t! He still thinks that he is better than a couple of female wrestlers even though they beat him again and again. Today is no different. He steps in the ring with Wrestler Judy Doo and Zsuzsa. Both of these girls have already taught him a couple of tricks by beating him in the ring before. He couldn’t take them one by one, let alone both of them together. He starts strong and it looks like something is about to change today. That is for the first minute or two, after that point, things go back the way they were and Zsolt is helpless again. Both girls jump on him and he can’t move an inch. One puts him in a chokehold while the other sits on his face. Today is not Zsolt’s day, that’s for sure.
Video length: 14:22 min.
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