The moment you see Orsi and her skinny wrestling opponent Sebastian, you know who is going to win this one. She looks much better prepared than he is and it is obvious that he doesn’t have enough strength to fight her. Orsi starts hard right away, putting him in a chokehold, but surprisingly enough, Sebastian fights back. The only thing Orsi has to do in this outdoor match is to wait until he is to tired and wrap it up. She keeps grabbing him and squeezing him tightly between her this. He doesn’t like that one bit and if he even manages to break trough, she grabs him again right away so he has to start all over. When Orsi realizes that he already lost most of his energy, she gets her legs around his neck and squeeze as hard as she could. He is left on the ground while she steps on his face to pose for the cameras.
Video length: 13:19 min.
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