Even if you know it’s face, she makes you watch her from the floor. From there it’s all real to you, the moans, and the power of the thrust pushing her from behind, those tits flying and bouncing like they have a will of their own. You could never make her moan like that, make her feel like a woman trapped with a dick inside and getting fucked like the world is about to end. She’s squeezing the blanket so hard like it’s all so happening right now. What are you crying about? You can’t say that your tiny pecker could make her feel good, let alone satisfied. She needs a cock so big that your multiplied by fifty won’t even top it. All you can do is sit there like a dumbass and keep your legs crossed, like a bitch. Oh, that’s right, you can’t satisfy her even in the lesbian mode. Jeez, you really are worthless…
Video length: 4:07 min.
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